Bajor Geographic Location in Boldly Going Universe | World Anvil
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An M class Planet in the Alpha Quadrant and the homeworld of the Bajorans, with the capital city being Ashalla.
Points of intrest:
  • Endalla, 
  • Derna, 
  • Penraddo, 
  • Jeraddo, 
  • Baraddo
Location under
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Articles under Bajor

  • 7750

    The first Bajoran Orb discovered
    Discovery, Scientific
  • 100

    Creation of the Tapestries of the Prophets started
    Artistic creation

    The creation of the Tapestry was started here and is still going on to this date.

    Taresh Monastery
  • 1500


    First trip from Bajor to Cardassia Prime
    Discovery, Exploration

    A Bajoran lightship made its way to Cardassia Prime, 5 light years away.

  • 1600


    The Kosst Amojan last removed from archives
    Religious event

    The last time the Kosst Amojan was removed from the Bajoran Central Archives

  • 2172


    Disappearance of Akorem Laan
    Religious event

    Kai Taluno and poet Akorem Laan encounter the Celestial Temple. While the former just passes by, the latter is swallowed and would remain with the Prophets until 2372.

  • 2279

    Treaty is signed between the Navot and the Paqu groups
    Political event

    A treaty is signed between the Navot and the Paqu groups on Bajor

  • 2319


    Cardassian Occupation of Bajor
    Military action

    Additional timelines
  • 2321

    The Martyred Teacher
    Life, Death

    A elderly teacher who was martyred in the first decade of the Cardassian Occupation, tortured to death for standing up single-handedly to the occupying troops and allowing her students to escape.

  • 2351

    The Battle of Kashima
    Civil action

    The Bajorans involved where knowing as Martyrs of Kashimathe battle involved destroying Craddasian tanks and airships

  • 2369

    Kai Opaka Stays in the Gamma Quadrant
    Diplomatic action

    Kai Opaka is left in the Gamma Quadrant on a moon occupied by two warring factions. Unable to leave the moon ever again, she hopes to ultimately end the fighting.

  • 2369

    Official Celestial Temple Discovered
    Religious event

    Discovered by the Emissary to the prophets Benjamin Sisko and fellow Starfleet officer Judzia Dax

    Additional timelines
  • 2369

    19 /4

    Emissary of the Prophets Announced
    Religious event

    Starfleet officer Commander Benjamin Sisko was announced Emissary of the Prophets by Kai Opaka.

  • 2369

    12 /5

    Federation - Cardassian Treaty
    Diplomatic action

    Additional timelines
  • 2370

    Wimm Adami announced as Kai
    Religious event

  • 2370

    New Bajor
    Population Migration / Travel

    Helped by the Federation Colonisation Service, Bajor created a new colony in the Gamma Quadrant.

  • 2371

    Bajorian-Cardassian Treaty
    Diplomatic action

  • 2371

    Shakaar anounced FirstMinister
    Political event

  • 2373

    Pah-Wraths attack the Prophets
    Cultural event

    Deep Space Nine resident Keiko O'Brien was inhabited by a Pah-wraith who tries to kill the Prophets, but is stopped by Husband and stations Chief of Operations, Miles O'Brien and entity was expelled from Keiko's body.

    Additional timelines
  • 2373


    Dominion War
    Military: War
  • 2373

    Orb of Time returned
    Diplomatic action

    The Orb of Time was returned to the Bajorans from the Cardassians and was collected by the crew of the Federation starship USS Defiant.

    Additional timelines


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