Federation Colonisation Service Organization in Boldly Going Universe | World Anvil
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Federation Colonisation Service

The Federation Colonisation is the go to organisation to go to if you interested in forming, joining ot helping anything that resembles a colony or starting a new civilian organisation in or on a unexplored area. 
It helps the Federation and the people of the Federation colonies empty planets and un-explored areas. Some of there assistance are giving you resources and helps you get the items of settling together for colony life in one simple place for you or your group to pick up or have delivered.

The Universe is Out There

Just the 2 of you! Just the Family! 47 seemingly random people! We will get you there. - FCS advert, 2201
Founding Date
23 October 2163
Expedition, Colonization
Alternative Names
Federation Colonization Service, FCS, Colonisation Service, Colonization Service,
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Organization Vehicles

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