System • SE-487H19-CHARLIE-0065 Geographic Location in Boldly Going Universe | World Anvil
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System • SE-487H19-CHARLIE-0065


The planets are in three zones and listed below.
Planet: SE-487H19-CHARLIE-0065-I Inner Zone
Designation Classification
0065-I  Class Y (Demon)
Designation Classification Name
II Class M (Terrestrial) Prusjo Crizsogrxu 
Outer Zone
Designation Classification
III Class C (Icy Geoinactive)
IV Class L (Marginal)
V Class I (Ammonia Clouds/Gas Supergiant)
VI Class P (Glaciated)
VII Class C (Icy Geoinactive)
VIII Class J (Jovian Gas Giant)
IX Class J (Jovian Gas Giant)
Coordinates: 5.25, 14.60, 4.75
Primary Star: 
  • Spectral Class: F0V (Yellow white / Main Sequence)
  • Mass:1.96 Sols
  • Mass: 3.8974 x 10 kg
  • Luminosity: 8.8695 Sols
  Companion Star: 
  • Companion Type: Distant
  • Mass: 1.53 Sols
  • Mass: 3.0424 x 10 kg
  • Luminosity: 0.3313
Solar System

Articles under System • SE-487H19-CHARLIE-0065


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