Tolen IV Geographic Location in Boldly Going Universe | World Anvil
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Tolen IV

The Federation protectorate of Tolen IV is Located near the Cardassian neutural Zone and rich in dilithium, tritanium, and trellium-D.   Tolen IV’s planetary government is divided into a senate and a single head of state, called a Parak. The Parak is the spokesman for the planetary government, and heads up all diplomatic affairs in the name of his people. When spoken to he is referred to simply as Parak (name for example, Parak Joffries is the current head of state on Tolen IV.
News Flash!  
  • Starfleet send ship to help with peace Conference.
  New's Report  
  • Will it end? Senate still debating the question of remaining with the Federation or setting out on its own.
  • Tensions running high! Scattered instances of violence across the planet.
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The government of Tolen IV wishes to remain under the Federation’s protection, with the hopes of joining as a member world later. Their opposition wishes for Tolen IV to withdraw itself from Federation protection to take its place in the galactic community on its own terms.

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