NAR Speedwell Captain (Commander?) Bond Callie has an experiment ongoing which is a strain of very fast growing wheat/corn type crop taken from the mercenary ship. Bajoran (Ranjin Vermos) is helping. From the Taresh Order NPC teacher Osain Evans is friends with Erica. They have a book/school improvement project. Princess Royal (Maria?) (British/Spain) trying to garner power and votes. Wants to open up the Xindi cryo tubes. Major Thomas Burke – protector. War stories with Grall. Allan Jones – Organiser/Pencial pusher for Council meetings. Erica gets on with the Cardassian tailor on board (Koor Draama?) - Source of gossip on the ship. Graal spars with Ul-Uli (Klingon on board, decent warrior) from the House of Purma Big meeting went on forever, Erica pushing for a council as the way to run the colony.