Azmar Settlement in Boriel | World Anvil


The city of Azmar is the central place of worship for the Goddess Attia. If the stories are to be believed. The Temple that the city is built around was once the home of Attia when she walked amongst mortal. Where once the city and surrounding lands were ruled over by Kings, Queens and other such Nobles, this lead to a seemingly endless series of wars. It was finally agreed that the only way to end the bloodshed was to form an alliance of the major ruling factions. This council of Seven was formed and ruled peacefully for many years. Over time several of families died out, through both natural and suspicions circumstances.  

Points of interest

  • Temple of Attia - The Temple to the goddess Attia. Center of operations for a number of knightly orders.
  • The Luckiest Duck - A Tavern located close to the Temple of Attia.
  • The Lonely Rose - A Tavern of a less reputable nature.
  • Farley Goods - A Store selling game and hunting supplies of both mundane and magical nature.
  • Scriptorum Sanctorum - An entrance to the mage academy of House Visk.
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