Dyara Character in Boriel | World Anvil


The Keeper of Knowledge

Dyara, also known as the Keeper of Knowledge. It is said that Dyara is the only known being to know who create the gods of The Prime Pantheon. Revered by seers, sages, and teachers of all walks of life, Dyara guides the growth of civilization like sunlight guides the branches of a tree.  


When the godess Siarin desired dominion over more of the world. She caused the oceans began to rise and rainstorms covered the land. In retaliation Morkral caused greate volcanos to erupt beneath the oceans forming new land masses. Seeing the destruction that this rivalry would bring Dyara brought the two gods together to settle their dispute.   Each was given time to argue why they should hold the greater dominion. Then, when both had said their peace Dyara presented her solution. She captured a reflection of the sun in a mirror and placed it in the sky above Boriel, and thus the Moon Volana was created. Its pull would move the tide back and forth giving Siarin the greater dominion for a time and Morkral the greater dominion for the rest.   Knowing the nature of Siarin as she does, Dyara swore if either party broke this treaty she would use give one the knowledge to claim dominion over the other.

Divine Domains

  • Language
  • Magic
  • Study
  • History
  • Wisdom
  • Full Moon

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Full Moon, A Silver Scroll

Tenets of Faith

  • Unmask those would hide their intentions. Learn their secrets and unviel them to the world
  • Uphold and teach the importance of reason, perception, and truth in guiding one's emotions and path.
  • Condemn those who lie without moral cause, for evil folk gain power when their followers obscure the truth. Never stoop to the level of selfish liars.
Divine Classification


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