Morkral Character in Boriel | World Anvil


The Forgemaster (a.k.a. The Montain King, The Might Hammer)

Morkral is the embodiment of the land and the valuable metals it contains. He is often viewed as a symbol of strength and righteousness, he rewards those who work hard and punishes those who are dishonest. A symbol to Morkral can often be found at the entrance to smithies and guild halls. It is believed that following The God War he taught the races to once again work metal. For this he is revered by Dwarves most of all.


When the world was first formed Morkral walked it surface and carved out the land to his own design. Many of the Primordial creatures saw the power that he wielded and grew envious. Fearful of their chances alone the two great serpents Zuma and Mahuicotzin formed an alliance to strike Morkral down together. The two approached from different directions and prepared to engage Morkral. Zuma called out to Morkral and offered to treat with him, sharing secrets he had learnt whilst on the mortal plane.   But Morkral saw through the lie and knew that it was a trap, he swung his great hammer and struck Mahuicotzin with a killing blow before turning his fury on Zuma. As his anger swelled lava burst from the ground and lashed itself around the great snake as it attempted to flee. Morkral brought his hammer around and then down on Zuma.   Standing over the crushed forms of the twin serpents Morkrals anger abided and he felt nothing but pity for the two creatures. He placed his hammer on each one and with his will he transformed their bodies into beautiful and valuable metals and gemstones. As a final act he brought up the land around them as a tomb to encase his fallen attackers for all time.

Divine Domains

  • Dwarves
  • Smithing
  • Miners
  • Guilds
  • Law
Divine Classification


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