Lelo Character in Boriel | World Anvil


The Green Maiden (a.k.a. Mother Oak)

Lelo is the Godess of nature, defender of the wilderness. Her deep love of nature comands that her followers do all that they can to protect area's of nature's splender. She lives in the forrests of the world protecting them from those who wish to exploit them.   She is married to Theorr  


One day Lelo came across a hunter in her wood. She followed the man and soon watched as he killed a stag. Unbeknownst to the hunder the stags mate and fawn were nearby. Upon seeing the death of the stag the two began to flee. Seeing the deer the hunter notched a second arrow. Angered by this Lelo caused a wind to blow through the forrest revealing the hunters scent to a nearby wolf. But the hunter did not loose his arrow for the wind had blown it had moved the foliage that had obscured it.   The Hunter returned the arrow to his quiver and gave the deer and fawn a respectful bow. He then moved over to the stag and began to whisper a pray of thanks. The wolf was on before he even knew it was there. Lelo watched in horror as the wolf she had summoned began ripping into the man. The two fought and eventually the man emerged victorious, but is wounds were servere and Lelo knew that he would soon die. Lelo took parts of her own spirit and that of the stag and wolf and fused them with the man, thus Theorr was created.   She nursed him back to health and returned him to his people. Once back amoungst his people he taught them the way of Stag and Wolf and he shared his power with them, allowing them to become the creatures of the wild. This tribe became the first of the moon druids. When the man was old he returned to the wood where he first met Lelo, and she was there waiting for him.

Divine Domains

  • Animals
  • Plants
  • Forrest
  • Land based druids
  • Streams/Lakes

Tenets of Faith

  • Protect the untamed wilderness from exploitation and destruction.
  • Slay abominations and other mockeries of nature.
  • Embrace and respect the savage nature of the world. Exist in harmony with it.
Divine Classification


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