Theorr Character in Boriel | World Anvil


The Forest Guardian (a.k.a. The Hunter, The Green Lord, The Beastmaster)

Theorr is the god God of wildlife. He is the warrior defender of nature. Originaly a human hunter, his respect for nature granted him the favour of Lelo who upon his death raised him to the level of Deity, and later took him as her husband.  


Theorr sat in his court of wild creatures, a group of druids came in their animals forms, a gift given to them by Theorr and spoke to him. They told him of a group of Humans that were burning their forest and taking all of the game from their territory. Theorr dispatched several of his creature servents to spy on the Humans and report back, only one returend. Enraged by the destructiveness of these humans, he summoned the predators of the forest to unite and hunt down these humans.   That night as the humans slept every predator within a hundred miles of their camp converged on them. Every man woman an child was ripped asunder, their blood spread across the lands that they ravaged.   Theorr's anger was still not satisfied and he used his magics to twist the remains of the humans into creatures to defend the forrest, as a warning. Thus the Leshy were born, and woe to all those who cross path with one for they too shall suffer the same fate as the humans who would recklessly destroy the purity of nature.

Divine Domains

  • Animals
  • Keepers of Animals
  • Horses
  • Fletchers
  • Werefolk

Tenets of Faith

  • Guard the purity of Nature, take only what is needed.
  • The strong must hunt those that would needlessly threaten the weak.
Divine Classification


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