Devo Geographic Location in BossVerse | World Anvil


This is The Capital Of The Unther Empire   ---Guards---   Garry [Hes been serving for 50 years and hes like 80 years old]   John [Just mans the post]   Jonny [Keeps turning down higher ranks]   ---Places---   Trainer: Worker = Tommy   Tavern: Worker = ?   Tailor: Worker = ?Murie [Mur-ie] [Female] [Nice]   Inn: Worker = ?, Rooms = 5c - 20c - 50c   Blacksmith: Worker = Emnerial   The Bank Faction   Fernys Library: "Ferny's Library", Worker = Ferny   Temple Of Unther: Gervas [Ger-vas] [Father of Elpir], Elpir [El-pire] {Female} {16 Years Old}   ---Meat Dealer---   Worker = Poot   Boar Meat {12c}   Beef {15c}   Venison {8c}   Porkchop {17c}   Mutton {4c}   Ham {60c}   ---Extra History Info---   Unther, The Grand Warrior Of Devo   Davark, The Great Sorcerer Of Devo   The Child [Kel-On]   ---Unther Alchemy Shop---   Worker: Roos Of Ceagon {Noble Lady}   Worker: Sira [Sir-ah] {Sister Of Roos}
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