Patha Geographic Location in BossVerse | World Anvil


Jarl = None   Advisor: Harry       Blacksmith = Mike [REALLY INTO THE HISTORY OF THE VEXSINS]   Bard College = ?   Tavern = Rose {Female}   Library = Sofia {Female}   Inn: Worker = Rozo {Female} [Her brother was killed during the take over, his name was stuonly]   School   The Bank Faction   Kokushibo's Fish Store   Tailor: Hob       ---Divine Blessing---   Amare = She Gave Her Divine Protection [To The Kingdom and To Peter Griffin]   Amare = Many have Found their Love [She Matchmade most the Kingdom]   Vili = "Strong Warriors Will Be Born Here"   Vita = Clerics Will be Born here   Mag-ki = Great Mana Increase and a few Sorcerers will be born here   Visimar = Literacy Rate Is Now 100%   ---Pictures---  
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