Velfegor Character in BossVerse | World Anvil


Name: Velfegor [Vel-fu-gor]   Status: Alive   Note: It's the Demon Lord Of Sloth   AU: 666   Motivation: ?   Mental Flaw: ?   Sex: Male   Age: ?   Race: Demon Lord   HP: 80,000,000,000   Height: 5,3       ---Extra Info---   He favors Dodging   He uses a Spear called Chastiefol   NOTE: He does lack greatly in Base Stats [He is not very strong] {He is physically weak, however, he makes up for his lack of strength with his other Powers} [He also has alot less HP than the other Demon Lords]   ---Special Powers---   Levitate   Possessing Great Speed [CAN GO ZOOOOMM]   Disaster   Immense Level Of Magic Power   Remarkable Level Of Durability   Heart Reading   When you sleep near him, You will gain over 10X the perks of normal Sleeping   Velfegor's Forms   Unmatched Telekinesis   ---Skills----   Unknown   ---Techniques---   Fast Strike   ---Loyalty---   Unknown   ---Favor---   Unknown   ---Languages---   Common   Demonic Tongue   Draconic Tongue   Old Bretic   Angelic Tongue   Divine Tongue   And a few others


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