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Her Imperial Majesty, Empress of The Alyssian Empire (a.k.a. The Mother of Elves)

Alyssa was born in a time were no civilizations on The Alyssian Continent; before the land was named and houses built. The elves were nomadic, wandering great fields and forests, never settling in one place for long. This was a harsh life, unsuited for the sick, elderly and young and the population was small. There were several tribes, often in conflict about access to various resources.   Druids were revered for their ability to communicate with nature, finding safe paths, shelter and food. Being a druid of her tribe, Alyssa was entrusted with taking care of her people. She saw them suffering in the neverending struggle, and pleaded with the leaders for change. Her pleas were ignored, and so she set out on her own. She traveled between clans, speaking to people of the life they could have. After a while the leaders would send her on her way, fearing that the change she spoke of would rob them of their power.   Over the years people starting doubting their leaders, and many called for Alyssa to lead them. She convinced people to gather by Lake Artvin for a confrontation where they could decide together what their future looked like. It is unkown exactly what happened, but the people were clear that they wanted Alyssa to lead them. Angry, an unamed tribe leader let an arrow fly. It struck Alyssa clean in the heart, and the people quickly turned on the on the shooter. They became an angry mob, but just as they were about to end the leader Alyssa spoke out in his defense. She stood, unscathed except for the blood staining her attire and a scar on her breast, and reminded them that death was not the answer. The people bowed to her radiance, and she granted her would-be murderer the mercy of exile.   After the gathring Alyssa founded The City of Alyssa in the place were the gathering was held, placing her home in the spot were she could have died. Over the years the city grew as elves from far-off tribes and other peoples joined. Alyssa was hailed as their ruler, and her home grew into Dodre Palace. They soon realized they needed more space to support their people, and looked to expand. They soon conquered the entire continent, and The Alyssian Empire was formally founded in -3946.   Alyssa kept her personal life private, and in -3687 she had Aria with an unkown partner. She spent less time in public following this, supposedly trying to be a good mother while shielding her daughter from the public eye. Aria grew up to be an adept politician.   When first told of Wolfram's rebellion Alyssa tried to negotiate peace, believing violence would only breed more misery. Wolfram betrayed her trust and attempted to assassinate both her and Aria, but the attempt was unsuccussfull. Following the attempt on her daughter's life, Alyssa took up arms and ordered the rebellion quelled. This proved difficuilt when Wolfram allied with demons, and it took 10 years before Alyssa and Wolfram met in a final confrontation. Alyssa won, but Wolfram had used a cursed blade and the wounds claimed her life a few months later.   Honoring her mother, Aria changed the names of the empire, capital and continent to versions of "Alyssa". Her legacy still lives on, and she is well loved among elves.  


It is unkown exactly how Alyssa looked as few portraits made before her death have been found, all have shown her as a redhead wearing a green gown, or occasionally green armor. Text descriptions of her claim she had vine-like tatoos on her arms and was covered in scars from living as a druid in the wilderness.
Lawful Good
Date of Birth
Date of Death
4573 TBA 1042 TBA 3531 years old
Circumstances of Death
Wounds from fight against Wolfram
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements


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