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The Alyssian Empire

The Alyssian Empire began as a settlment of a few elven tribes, led by Alyssa. It grew rapidly as elves from all over joined what became the first notable civilization, and after some time they began expanding across the continent, assimilating several other peoples into the empire. The only ones to not be incorporated were the Dwarves, who founded their own empire underneath the surface where the elves would not go.   The expansion caused some inner tension, particularily with Humans. The empire prided itself on being meritocratic, claiming there was no racial discrimination because everyone were judged based on their abilities, but due to the elves being immortal they would almost always beat humans. Most other species had something they were particularily good at, but humans were just 'diverse'. They could be pretty good at many things, which were useful in a lot of cases, but in most cases they could not beat an elf with 400 years of experience. This led to humans being on the bottom rong of society, typically alcoholics or criminals.    Humans started severeal riots in various cities over the years, until finally Wolfram Blazestrider led to a proper rebellion in the year -1052 TGA. The humans somehow allied with Demons, which gave them what they needed to stand on somewhat even footing against the elves, but after a 10-year-war (long by human standards, nothing to an elf) they were caught out in open battle. Alyssa defeated Wolfram, but the cursed blade gifted to him by an unkown demon took Alyssa's life a few months later.   Following Alyssa's death Aria, her daughter, was crowned empress. Traumatized by an assasination attempt and the loss of her mother she started a hard line towards humans, which was genereally well received across the empire. The other races had not supported the rebellion and had also been victims of the destruction, and harbored bad blood towards humans for killing the beloved empress.   Besides the harder line towards humans, Aria's empire differed in it's focus on indistruliazation. Alyssa had been a druid, and preferred living in as natural areas as possible, while Aria had no such attachment. Under her rule the empire went from tree cities to cities bulit of tree and stone, magnificent buildingings decorated with gold and silver. Research into magic and craftmansship was greatly enouraged and several universities were opened and funded directly from the royal family's treasury.   Aria's hard line to humans caused them to act out more, which hardened her further. This kept going in a negative spiral, until the humans snapped. A man named Rhen Blazestrider, claiming to be the decendant of the very same man who had led the previous rebellion, gathered followers across the continent. He said humans should have their own kingdom, and Aria chose to attack at once instead of waiting for his rebellion to grow. This time, the rebellion was more careful. Rhen had allied with devils instead of demons, and with their help him and his followers launched surprise attacks at soft targets through portals and then dissapeared when Aria's forces arrived.   As Rhen's following grew, Aria grew desperate to root out humans once and for all. When she learned Rhen was planning an attack on the strategically important Asal Fortress  she rallied her troops to it's defense. The fortress was the main fortification on the only proper road between the human's base and the capital, and thus could not be allowed to fall. This turned out to be a mistake however, as Rhen's forced portaled to The City of Alyssa and wreaked havoc on the mostly unprotected capital.    Rhen made it into the palace, but no one knows what happened inside. A magic shock wave spread out across the continent, and rendered elves mortal. Neither Aria, Rhen nor anyone who where in the palaca emerged, and most of the citizens died.   The elves had not simply been made mortal, they had been turned mortal in the sense they aged like humans - with their current ages intact. Previously elves had become adults at somewhere around a 100, but now everyone who had been adults turned into dust and withered away. The kids rapidly aged, a preteen would become middle-aged in the span of a second, and chaos ensued. Elves had held almost all important positions in society, and as such there was an enourmous power vacuum. The remaining elves fell into despair, lacking the experience they should have had by their age and their families most of them died or became alcohics.   The next day, most cities had become inhabitable from criminals taking control. These days are described as the black days, the start of the dark age, where evil feasted on a continent that had lost it's protectors. All settlements eventually dissapeared, with the exception of the University Kijitsu Gakuen which at the time was run by gnomes.

Unity everlasting

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Empire of Elves
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

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