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Her Imperial Majesty, Empress of The Alyssian Empire

Aria was born in the year -3687 TGA, and was announced as "Her Royal Highness Aria, Princess and Heir Appearant of The Alyssian Empire". She was raised shielded from the public eye but taught everything a princess should be - she was adept at language, history and politics. Her mother, Alyssa did not want her daughter trained in the ways of war, and as such Aria was defenseless when Wolfram attempted to assassinate her. This scared her deeply, and when she lost her mother to the same man ten years later she dedicated herself to the study of war. Under her leadership the empire changed, expanding across the ocean to become a global influence.   "Pacifism in the face of violence will result in genocide," Aria famously said in court. She would attempt diplomacy, but the second things appeared to go wrong she would display the full military might of the undying empire. Her justice was harsher than her mother's, especially towards humans and anything related to demons and devils. This did not cause a notable loss of support however, as most still adored their emperess and considered the change neccessary. Alyssa had taught them peace, but peace is worthless if one cannot defend it.   After 400 years, rumors of a human named Rhen claiming to be the decendant of Wolfram reached the palace. When her informants told her he was talking about seperation from the empire, of a country of humans, she immediatly launched her attack. Once again it was conflict between elves and humans, but this time the humans had learned. Knowing they could not face the elves head-on they launched a guerilla war, striking multiple soft targets with destructive methods.   The conflict ended in the year -638 TGA, when the humans feigned launching a full attack on the strategically important Asal Fortress. Aria moved her troops to defend it, leaving The City of Alyssa with minimal protection in hopes of rooting out the rebellion. The human army instead turned on the city, aiming for Dodre Palace and Aria herself.   No one knows what happened inside the palace that day, but a magic explosion that shock the world originated in the castle. The elves lost their immortality, now hardly living longer than humans, and neither Aria nor Rhen emerged from the palace. Chaos decended and the city fell, the palace abonded. The empire had fallen.  


A few paintings of Aria remain, all clearly show her as a young woman of color with striking blue eyes and curly hair. In these paintings she always wears golden armor, ornamental or otherwise, but that may not mean anything as paintings are typically posed for. Regardless, the paintingings of her on the battlefield show her as a powerful warrior, wielding both sword and magic and unleashing fury on all who oppose her. These paintings appear to be historically accurate based on reports among the rebels.
Lawful Good
Date of Birth
Date of Death
3687 TBA 638 TBA 3049 years old


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