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Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The native homeland of gnomes is the continent of Ekea, spesifically the cold northern shore. The forrest gnomes typically live in the woods that cover the landscape, while the mountains are filled with rock gnomes and their goliath allies. During the days of the The Alyssian Empire many gnomes immigrated to the continent to continue their research of magic, particularily to Kijitsu Gakuen and similar magic academies.

Average Intelligence

The average gnomes is far more intelligent in the ways of nature, mathematics, engineering and magic than the average human. Their odd nature and seemingly unending well of happiness and exitement makes many believe that they are unintelligent socially, and then fall for various pranks. Gnomes are uncannily cunning, making them excellent at detecting other's deceit and at deceiving others in turn.
Average Height
0,9 to 1,2 meters
Average Weight
About 20kg
Average Physique
Lean, wiry
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Typically a paler version of their clans eviroment, e.g. rock gnomes are usually grey and forest gnomes a flaxen color
Geographic Distribution


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