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Kijitsu Gakuen

Kijitsu Gakuen is one of the three great city states of the Alyssian surface. It is the only remaining settlement from the times of The Alyssian Empire, which is used frequently as an argument on why it is the greatest but not actually present in it's culture. The academy, though funded by the empire, operated relatively independt, all that mattered was the raw strength of your magic. Thus, a gnome was High Magister (headmaster) at the time of the fall, allowing the leadership to hold the peace on school grounds as elves perished. Eventually, survivors began flocking there. They did not neccesarily enroll in the academy, but began settling around it creating a proper city. This city was never formally declared and was just counted as belonging to the academy, making the High Magister ruler of the city.  

Relics of the Empire

Most of what is known about The Alyssian Empire is known from records within the Academy, though it is far less than one might think. The academy was dedicated to the study of magic and did not many records of the Empire, and there is also the problem of students 'accidentaly' causing various magical accidents in their experiments. The libraries have burnt many times, and only recently did they master fireproofing (earlier attempts at fireproofing glyphs had unfournately caused more fires than anything else). There was also a raider problem during the dark age, causing even more knowledge to be lost. Because of all this, most knowledge of the empire has been lost, even in the city that was once a part of it.  

Criminal Life

Perhaps a downside to being the only place of refuge in the dark ages or due to the city being run by a strict academy, Kijitsu Gakuen has the richest criminal life of any settlement. Rumors has it that there is a city beneath the academy called Shimoki ('shi' being an elven word for death), filled with the worst kind of criminals and run entierly by various gangs. These gangs smuggle excotic goods to the surface, perhaps providing the academy with difficuilt resources that is hardly possible to aqquire in a legal way (such as corpses), and anyone foolish enough to incur their wrath dissapears in the middle of the night.
Geopolitical, City-state
Alternative Names
奇術 学園
Government System
Notable Members


Kijitsu Gakuen and Elmsvik genereally have friendly relations, people with magic potentional from Elmsvik are free to study at the academy  (if they pass the exam/pay the tuiton) and merchants are free to trade with each other. The biggest hinder in the relationship is the long distance, the mountains in particular have a lot of monsters and bandits that make the journey periolous. The safe option is to sail around the continent using the canal, but this can be tedious and costly.

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