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The 9 Hells

The 9 Hells is the cosmic plane of Lawful Evil, and consists of 9 layers. Each of the first 8 layers are ruled by archdevils, who all answer to the archdevil of the 9th layer - Asmodeus, the ruler of all devils. The easiest way to descend deeper into hell is by sailing the River Styx, a dangerous adventure few dare as the River turns anyone who touches it mad.  
Layer Layer Name Ruler(s)
1 Avernus Zariel
2 Dis Dispater
3 Minauros Mammon
4 Phlegethos Belial and Fierna
5 Stygia Levistus
6 Malbolge Glasya
7 Maladomini Baalzebul
8 Cania Mephistopheles
9 Nessus Asmodeus


Devils are the manifestation of tyranny. Their society is extremely totalitarian and dedicated to domination of mortals, as Asmodeus thirsts for the power to subjugate all of existence. Devils are born from the souls of dead mortals, who either get assigned to hell by Kupier for wicked deeds or who sold their soul in life, and as such all devils capable of thinking are always looking for new souls to either corrupt or buy. Devils summoned to the material plane, even if bound in service, will always be looking to corrupt their masters - but otherwise follow commands, for devils are as lawful as they are evil.


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