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The Creation of Elves and Dwarves


This myth explains the creation of Elves and Dwarves, the two species that historically were dominant in The Alyssian Continent. In the divine chronology it is in the time where Amalthea and Aries were lovers, before the birth of their children.   Amalthea and Aries had their seats in different planes of existence, respecitvely Elysium and Donum de Lege. In searching for a neutral plane to spend their time they campe upon an empty plane, not home to any Celestials, Devils, or Demons. This neutral place in the middle of existence become their meeting ground, though it's vast emptiness grew in their minds. Both hoping to please the other used their powers of creation to create marvels, Aries making mountains and ore, caves and canyons where Amalthea made flowers and trees, mosses and herbs. Here tellings differ, some will say they both appreciated the other's gesture and kept creating for the sake of the other's joy, while others will tell you they both thought their own creations superior and kept creating for the sake of proving their own prowess. Regardless, they soon began creating beings made in their image. First were the animals that walked the land and dug the mountains, living off of the first creations. Then came the predators, then the ones who eat the dead, giving their energy back to the first creations. Still, Amalthea and Aries were not yet done.   It is unkown wether they had talked about it beforehand, but both decided to create beings of intelligence - creatures that they could converse with, that could rule their creations the way they ruled their planes.   Aries took the ore of his mountains and forged a skeleton of steel, so they would be sturdy enough to withstand everything. The body he made of stone, so that they would be strong enough to break anything. His creation was short, so they could navigate the tiniest of tunnels. He gave them eyes of jewels, clear and bright - as their minds would be.   Aries names his creature "Dwarf", and so the dwarves came to be.   Amalthea found an old oak and with it's permission made a skeleton, so they would be in harmony with the world. The body she wove of straw, so they would be flexible and able to adapt to the world around them. Her creation was tall, so it could climb the tallest of trees. For their eyes she used colorful flowers, fantastic and beautiful - as they would view the world. Finally, Amalthea planted seeds of grass and vines on the heads of her creations, so their thoughts could stay warm when the world was cold.   Amalthea named her creature "Elf", and so the elves came to be.   When Aries saw the elves, he bristeled at their flamable and colorful nature - he found them impractical and easily distracted. As a gift to his lover he imbued with his iron will, and they were immune to the charm of the devils.   When Amalthea saw the dwarves, she was saddened at their stoic and grey nature - she found them lifeless and lacking joy. As a gift to her lover she imbued them with her love of beauty, and they took to mining the earth for treasure.   However, they were not finished. As a final gift Aries taught the elves how to craft as masterfully as any dwarf. Amalthea, wishing the dwarves would have a warmer heart, found the plant most prevelant in the mountains - moss - and covered the dwarf. As she was doing this Aries came up behind her and asked her what she was doing, and starteled Amalthea dropped the rest on the dwarves chin - and that is why dwarves are covered in hair and have beards the size of mountains.

Variations & Mutation

It is worth noting that elves and dwarves tell the tale somewhat differently, sometime replacing the charesteristics given by the other's deity with negative ones and giving their own deity all the credit. They are also prone to emphasizing each other's negative qualities.
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