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Dent Innosins

Dent Innosins

Dent Innosins, formerly Dent Sins, was an ex-adventurer now Zookeeper and Father.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A strong build, he had big hands with 3 fingers each.

Facial Features

Though his face stayed the same no matter the situation, he could still convey emotions with his eyes.

Apparel & Accessories

A bracelet made of ice, his holy symbol. He wielded a feathery Vopal Sword.

Specialized Equipment

He had an inbuilt Alchemy set in his stomach.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A former Omu scientist, betrayed by his people, swore to destroy those who betrayed him. He created the Warforged body which he now possesses in order to channel the power granted to him by his patron. He used said power to crash the moon into Omu, destroying most buildings and killing all inhabitants. He fell into a deep slumber afterwards.   4969 Years have passed since the destruction of Omu. Dent begins showing signs of rebooting, though with no memories of where, who or what he is. He begins introducing himself as Dent to a 2 Person Party which just happened to walk by him, he joins them after he fights and loses against the monk also known as Flawed.   Events of Tomb   Materialisation of the "Rose" Sword   Inserting the first Infinity Stone causing a tsunami in port nyanzaru and coloring the moon in red.   Stealing ingredients and cleaning up Valindra's floating island.   Inserting of Infinity Stones into the Sword   Gifting the Necronomicon to Valindra and receiving the 3 Electrum.   Taking care of the baby monster leopards.   Acquisition of the Monster Tongue.   Fight against the Feather King, finding and protecting the left behind eggs of the Feather King.   Usage of 1 Electrum Piece to save Kas.   Recovery of Memories and Power Up in the fight against the Hydra.   Spotting lights in his old lab, discovery of the teleporter to Moon Man. He felt hatred and pain at the sight of the teleporter, but more determined than ever before to do something correct, which is putting an end to the schemes and tyranny of the Moon Man. Crushing 1 Electrum just before teleporting. Finding all 100+ "Roses" that were abducted and used by the Moon Man, all dead but one. The Moon Man strips Dent of his Powers and sends his companions back to Omu, so that he may prove he doesn't need his Powers to be strong. He crushes the last Electrum piece just before a Death Knight slashes at him. Valindra comes in to use Power Word: Kill on the Moon Man, killing him and triggering the shattering of the moon. Valindra teleports herself, Rose and Dent back to Omu. Though striped of the patrons power he doesn't feel weak, he feels more whole and at peace than ever before. He was reborn anew not as Dent Sins but as Dent Innosins. Rose mentions that she is a Deity from another planet, he swore himself as her Paladin and Husband, swearing an Oath of Devotion.   Exploration of the Tomb of the Nine Gods.   Fight against the Soul Monger and Acererak.   Saved an unconscious Valindra while escaping from the Tomb.   After the Tomb was destroyed he and Rose turned Omu into a Monster Paradise. They also stopped all attempts of industrialization of the surroundings.   Rose and him became parents of 3 daugthers and 1 son, Valindra being the Godmother to all of them and best friend of Rose.




Former scientist.



Accomplishments & Achievements

Recovered the bodies of Wall and Bastion.

Failures & Embarrassments

Death of Flawed.


Cruelty to Creatures. Controlling the freedom of others.

Personality Characteristics


Keeping the zoo.   And raising his family.

Likes & Dislikes

He liked monsters and beasts and hated those who wish to cause them harm.

Personality Quirks

He had a bad case of OCD.


He was a very clean person, to the point of obsession.


Contacts & Relations

  • His old adventurer friends (Ylenol, Rin, Omnix)
  • Valindra

Family Ties

Wife: Rose   Godmother: Valindra Shadowmantle   Daughters: Cynthia, Zenovia, Iris   Son: Six

Religious Views

"My wife is my religion."

Hobbies & Pets

  • Feather Kings.
  • Monster Leopards.
  • Slime.
  • Displacer Beasts.


Rose Innosins

Wife (Vital)

Towards Dent Innosins



Dent Innosins

Husband (Vital)

Towards Rose Innosins




Rose was once a captive, forced by the man in the moon to be Dent's sword. Together, they became stronger, and more connected, the more memories Dent remembered through his adventure. They faced the man in the moon, and destroyed his moon base after killing him, causing the Moon's Ruin.

Valindra Shadowmantle

Friend (Important)

Towards Dent Innosins



Dent Innosins

Friend (Important)

Towards Valindra Shadowmantle




Dent was the only one to understand, the only way to be able to interact with Valindra is to not get on her nerves. She is not the social type, at least she wasn't before she became the godmother of Dent's kids. The kids just call her Aunt Valindra, and she loved it. They melted her undead heart. Slowly, but surely, Valindra grew accustomed to the more social sides of life.

Moon Man

Patreon (Vital)

Towards Dent Innosins



Dent Innosins

Warlock (Vital)

Towards Moon Man




Dent was his strongest subject. Instead of becoming scared, the Moon Man decided to mock Dent. His pride became his demise as Dent initiated the Moon Man's execution. In his last moments, he regretted not killing him, before dying painfully.

Six Innosins

Son (Important)

Towards Dent Innosins



Dent Innosins

Father (Vital)

Towards Six Innosins



Cynthia Innosins

Daughter (Important)

Towards Dent Innosins



Dent Innosins

Father (Vital)

Towards Cynthia Innosins



Zenovia Innosins

Daughter (Important)

Towards Dent Innosins



Dent Innosins

Father (Vital)

Towards Zenovia Innosins



Iris Innosins

Daughter (Important)

Towards Dent Innosins



Dent Innosins

Father (Vital)

Towards Iris Innosins



Wealth & Financial state

Owns a city sized zoo.

A warforged paladin, serving an unknown deity from an unknown pantheon living in an unknown city. Had no big impact on history.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Zookeeper
Date of Birth
1st Hammer 0
The Old Omu
Rose Innosins (Wife)
Current Residence
The New Omu
Icy Blue
6' 5''
170 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The hardest decisions require the strongest wills."   "You should've gone for the head."   "I wake up to a grateful universe."

Known Languages
Common, Old Omuen
Ruled Locations

Denthanos Innosins


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