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Rose Innosins

The Frozen Empress Rosalia Innosins (a.k.a. Rose)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A frozen rose with four leaves

Tenets of Faith

  • Aid others, protect the weak, and punish those who threaten them. Show mercy to your foes, but temper it with wisdom.

  • Don't lie or cheat. Let your word be your promise.

  • Never fear to act, though caution is wise.

  • Treat others with fairness, and let your honorable deeds be an example to them. Do as much good as possible while causing the least amount of harm.

  • Be responsible for your actions and their consequences, protect those entrusted to your care, and obey those who have just authority over you.

  • Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Rosalia was born in a far off realm called 'Fubukishima', where she lived a quiet and calm childhood for the first 14 years of her life. Of course she would notice some unordinary things. Be it that her skin was almost always cold to the touch to others, or that she was the only one around with pointy ears.

    When she came of age, she started to notice more major things that were out of the ordinary. The people around her would sometimes fear her without reason, they would try to keep their distance. She felt some kind of dread in others. And soon after she learned of the prophecy. The prophecy foretold that one day, a maiden of ice would be born into the world of Fubukishima. A Yuki-Onna. She would grow stronger and stronger the older she becomes, causing the lands to freeze and come to a deep slumber, of which it will never awaken.

    With time, she understood why people were scared. She was scared, too. Scared of what the people around her, her friends, and her family, would be capable of in their moments of despair. When the day of reckoning came, the people gathered. They gathered with robes and weapons, trying to appeal to the gods. Trying to appeal to them with a sacrifice, the greatest sacrifice a mortal being can give. Its life. They prepared the ritual, until they were finally ready to sent Rosalia to her death. Rosalia didn't fight, she wasn't able to. Of course she wanted to live, but she was helpless. So she wandered into the exile, finding her sure death in the cold of the ice. After multiple long and agonizing days of pain, she finally died. Or so she thought. She saw her own body, lying in the cold snow.

    She watched Fubukishima for several more days, until the days kept getting colder and colder. There was nothing she could do about it, there never was. The people of Fubukishima slowly died, as well as the land itself. With every soul that flew past Rosalia, she felt more alone, more isolated, until there was no living soul on the whole realm. Everything was covered in the icy death of snow and frost.

    Then she felt warmth, warmth she has never felt before. She felt like something... someone was holding her tight. It felt so unbelievably good to make out the warmth of another being again, Rosalia had almost forgot the feeling. And then, the warmth became heat. Soon after, it was almost unbearable. It slowly melted her body to the point where Rosalia felt so much pain, she didn't know if she was still feeling it, or if she was just feeling nothing at all. And then, it stopped. It just stopped without a warning, and she awoke in a strange land. She heard different animals and other beings she had never heard before. She looked around, which felt weird at first, because she didn't feel like she was using her eyes to look, but rather some kind of other sense she didn't have before. She saw a human approaching her. She tried to wave, but her body wouldn't move. Until suddenly, it did. It felt like her body was flicked forward, towards the human, and then she saw nothing for a second, but it felt warm. Her vision slowly cleared after she realized she had been inside the human, covered in its blood. She was used to slice more and more humans apart until there were no humans left. It was clear she wasn't herself anymore, she was a weapon. A weapon wielded by a cold-blooded murder.

    This was how she felt for a long time. With time, she learned more about her wielder, Dent Innosins, and he learned more about Rosalia. They bonded more and more, coming to a deeper understanding of each other, as well as their common foe, The Moon Man. Together, they defeated him and settled down in Omu, marrying, and having four kids together; Cynthia Innosins, Iris Innosins, Six Innosins, and Zenovia Innosins.

    Accomplishments & Achievements

  • She brought Dent Innosins to think for himself instead of blindly following commands of a tyrant.
  • Together with Dent, she defeated the Moon Man.
  • Failures & Embarrassments

  • She had to kill Dent Innosins once before he would have done something he could never have made right again
  • Mental Trauma

    She watched thousands of people die without being able to do anything

    Intellectual Characteristics

    Calm, collected, and kind-hearted


    Rose Innosins

    Wife (Vital)

    Towards Dent Innosins



    Dent Innosins

    Husband (Vital)

    Towards Rose Innosins




    Rose was once a captive, forced by the man in the moon to be Dent's sword. Together, they became stronger, and more connected, the more memories Dent remembered through his adventure. They faced the man in the moon, and destroyed his moon base after killing him, causing the Moon's Ruin.

    Moon Man

    Captor (Trivial)

    Towards Rose Innosins



    Rose Innosins

    Captive (Important)

    Towards Moon Man




    Rose was held captive in the Moon Base.

    Six Innosins

    Son (Important)

    Towards Rose Innosins



    Rose Innosins

    Mother (Vital)

    Towards Six Innosins



    Cynthia Innosins

    Daughter (Important)

    Towards Rose Innosins



    Rose Innosins

    Mother (Vital)

    Towards Cynthia Innosins



    Zenovia Innosins

    Daughter (Important)

    Towards Rose Innosins



    Rose Innosins

    Mother (Vital)

    Towards Zenovia Innosins



    Iris Innosins

    Daughter (Important)

    Towards Rose Innosins



    Rose Innosins

    Mother (Vital)

    Towards Iris Innosins



    Rose Innosins

    Friend (Important)

    Towards Valindra Shadowmantle



    Valindra Shadowmantle

    Friend (Important)

    Towards Rose Innosins



    Divine Classification
    Chaotic Good
    Current Location
    Date of Birth
    7th Day of Nightal
    Year of Birth
    13529 BTS 13548 Years old
    Circumstances of Birth
    She was born a Yuki-Onna
    Dent Innosins (Husband)
    Current Residence
    Icy Blue
    Long straight white hair
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale White
    5' 6''
    130 lbs.
    Known Languages
    Common Celestial Elvish Old Omuan


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