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Reformed Trapezoidal Technologists

A recent offshoot from the Trapezoidal Psiludites , the RTT differ on exactly what The Scream was punishment for. Similar to the TPL the RTT church believes that The Scream was divine punishment for man's overreach. Where they have diverged is that RTTs believe that machines made with a goodly intent are an example of what is achievable through humankind's god-given intelligence.   This is represented in the symbol they have taken for their sect. While still the trapezoid representing humankind the point representing god has been moved into the trapezoid raising the upper side. A symbol of what can be accomplished through god.   The RTT has been rapidly gaining followers on Gnahon-R as many moderates see it as a way to compete with the rest of the solar system while remaining devout.   Many devotees wear a ring or necklace depicting the "Pinical Star" in green. The Trapezoid is also featured as a design element in many articles of clothing.  Green is also seen as a lucky color, and most followers manage to add a touch to their daily wardrobe.
Religious, Organised Religion


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