

A library was built by Diomede here, to hold books that he could not take with him. In addition to the keep that overlooks the mouth of the Valaga River Arkhan built a temple to the All-Father.

Guilds and Factions

Cloud Caste has taken Arkhanä as an example of the capacity for their caste to govern. This gives Storm Caste grief, as such is not done. Instead, the record books show that Vola "Honorfighter" Uleanna and therefore the Uleanna family are the benefactors of the colony, maintaining the tradition of the Storm Caste owning the land. In truth, Arkhan has little to no oversight of how the colony is run, aside from the expected taxation from the government of Jhordheim. The Fire Caste has sent one of its Master smiths to ensure the survival of Arkhanä and provide the smithing services expected of the Fire Caste. Both Stone Caste and Hill Caste have represetatives in the colony, overseeing the building, maintenance, and agriculture development of the colony. Contributions from the Frost Caste include two detachments to serve as garrison and defense of the colony.


The entire settlement is built in the traditional Yotunn style. This includes the temple, which contains the majority of artistic architectural liberty. In this way, the temple sets itself apart from the rest of the settlement, not only because it is made entirely of wood, but because of its iconic stave styling. Woodcarvers spent weeks as it was being built carving intricate designs into the wood, the heads of animals adorning the crest of any dormer, and finely carved scenes elsewhere in the wood.
Founding Date
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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