City of Brass


The City of Brass, given its role as a trade and commerce hub, boasts a complex and diverse demographic due to its multiracial population. Home to a significant population of efreeti, who hold power and form the ruling class, the city also hosts a variety of other species from across the planes. These include azer, salamanders, firenewts, and fire genasi, along with a substantial population of dao merchants.

Wealth distribution in the city is highly stratified, with the ruling efreeti possessing most of the wealth. The city's inhabitants work in various professions, such as trade, crafting, and administration. The numerous temples and shrines indicate a diverse religious landscape, with residents worshipping different deities and primordials of fire.


The City of Brass operates under a strict, hierarchical system of governance, with the Sain at the pinnacle of power. The Sain's rule is absolute, with their decisions and decrees forming the foundation of the city's laws. These laws are strict and often severe, with harsh punishments meted out for transgressions.

Underneath the Sain, a complex bureaucracy ensures the smooth running of the city. This bureaucracy is overseen by the Sain's ymaykaenly, or advisor, who is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the city. This includes the management of public services, the oversight of trade and commerce, and the enforcement of laws and regulations.

Taxation is a significant source of revenue for the City of Brass, with taxes levied on various activities, including trade and commerce. The taxation system is comprehensive, with taxes collected on goods and services, property, and income. The collected taxes are used to fund public services and maintain the city's infrastructure.


The City of Brass is divided into several distinctive districts, each with its own unique characteristics that contribute to the city's rich and diverse culture.

1. Udyrwyi: Considered the heart of the city, Udyrwyi is a bustling district that houses a variety of temples and the grand palace of the Sain, serving as the political and spiritual hub of the city.

2. Nauo: Known for its rugged terrain, Nauo serves as a slum for several clans of fire genasi, azer, firenewts, and salamanders, adding a raw, rustic flavor to the city's atmosphere.

3. Kulyr: This district is remarkable for its golden towers inhabited by the azer, connected by suspended walkways. The azer residing here enjoy a surprising amount of autonomy from the court of the Sain, making Kulyr a district of relative independence.

4. Rysoukon: This district is home to many efreeti commoners and nobles, contributing to the city's diverse socio-economic landscape.

5. Punen: Known for its illicit activities, gambling, and pit fights, Punen is a district filled with gamblers, thieves, and firenewts, adding a dangerous but thrilling edge to the city.

6. Aumin: This district houses the city's primary market, attracting numerous craftsmen and offering a wide array of diverse goods, making it a hub of commerce.

7. Oan: Primarily a warehouse district, Oan is inhabited by vermin and the private armies of dao merchants, giving it a unique, industrious character.

8. Haylau: This district is known for its public docks primarily used for interplanar vessels. It also houses the Tayren, the huge magical prison of the efreeti, adding a sense of foreboding and mystery.

9. Taopouhon: Characterized by wide streets, plazas, and opulent homes, Taopouhon is home to the city's wealthy efreeti and non-efreeti residents, showcasing the affluence and grandeur of the City of Brass.

10. Foisuy: A complex warren, Foisuy is home to salamanders and is almost impassable without a guide, adding an adventurous challenge for those who dare to traverse it.

11. Dorir: Known for its variety of shops, coffee houses, and stalls, Dorir is a favorite spot for merchants and dao, offering a lively and vibrant atmosphere.

12. Laopaer: A district dedicated to metalworking businesses, Laopaer adds an industrial charm to the city.

13. Maosoin: Serving as the barracks for the efreeti army, Maosoin is known for its frequent skirmishes and duels, adding a military presence to the cityscape.

14. Sauon: A primarily residential district, Sauon serves as the center for all naval activity of the efreeti, adding a maritime aspect to the city's identity.

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