Plane of Fire


The Plane of Fire's terrain is quite unique, with its ground largely composed of loosely packed elemental fire. It's comparable to navigating through a swamp of hot coals, a challenging and adventurous environment for inhabitants and visitors alike.

Despite being a realm of fire, it does have bodies of water, or rather, more liquid variants of the same fiery substance that makes up the ground. These fiery rivers and oceans shimmer beautifully, adding to the plane's mesmerizing landscape.

The landscape is in a state of constant transformation, with heat ripples distorting the surface. Traditional geographical features, such as hills, mountains, or cliffs, are fleeting at best, adding to the plane's unpredictable nature. The plane's ceaseless change and transience make permanent physical structures extremely rare.

The plane's infinite expanse of flame and heat, while daunting, provides sights of unmatched beauty and wonder. The colors of the searing flames range across the entire spectrum, creating a spectacle of light and heat that leaves visitors in awe of its majesty.

Localized Phenomena

The plane is known for its "firefalls," which occur when rivers of magma reach a cliff and cascade over the edge. This sight is as dangerous as it is mesmerizing, as these falls can give rise to an elemental vortex.

Furthermore, when matter from other planes finds its way into this fiery landscape, it is subjected to transformative forces. It either evaporates into nothingness, is reduced to mere ash, or melts into a molten state, becoming magma. This magma, when interacting with the raw elemental fire that permeates this plane, forms a rapidly moving, blisteringly hot slurry, carving its way through the landscape.

Lastly, the plane's elemental fire doesn't require air or fuel to burn and can exist in all possible states: solid, liquid, or gaseous. This characteristic defies the laws of nature as we know them, adding to the plane's distinctiveness.


The climate of the Plane of Fire is consistently scorching and lethal. It is not characterized by the change of seasons but is dominated by relentless heat throughout the year. Weather phenomena akin to rainfall exist, but these are showers of burning ash rather than water. This plane also features swirling clouds of superheated steam that pose a significant threat to those traversing its skies. The climate is extremely hostile and remains stable in its intensity all year round.

Alternative Name(s)
Dimensional plane
Included Locations

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