Cosmology of Caanae


The origin of the universe as is taught in the mysteries of the Gods is a complex one. In the Creation myth, it began with Ilos and Thuses, whose eternal rivalry slowly gathered the planes together and birthed the gods, who in turn created mortal-kind. Ausdremwuld & Zindraaldein uplifted the dragons to defeat the All-Father's giants and supplant their ancient empire beneath the Ordning. The primal power of creation surrounded the Prime Material with the inner planes, infinite spaces of the elements that are the building blocks of all things. Each of these dimensions sprouting life of their own, the power of the Gods such that creation couldn't be stopped. The facilitator of this creation was and is the Ethereal plane, a border dimension of dreams, illusions, and creativity.   Beyond the veil of the Ethereal plane, a dimension even more distant and set apart from the reality of the Prime Material are the outer planes. All realms there are connected by the Astral Sea, home to those who rely on the mind. Here too are the realms of the Gods, separated in purpose and domain. The Astral Sea being infinite, and every realm of the Gods also infinite, it is not about finding a path or border to their realms. Instead, one has to actualize the self, picture themselves where they wish to be, and find themselves moving. The realms of the Gods of Chaos, violent and unpredictable, are the homes of demons and their princes. They search ever hungry for the souls willing to commit themselves to their domains. Separate still are the realms of Darkness, where the arch-devils and their minions plot and scheme for the souls of mortals, tempting them to heed their words. Distant from those realms are those of Order, places of infinite purpose. Light, it is said, contains realms of peace and prosperity, heroism and kindness. All these hosts watch over the Prime Material, the conduits of souls twisting through the Astral Sea like currents beneath the waves.   What the Gods do not dwell upon, and encourage their servants to avoid, are the Old Gods. That which lies beyond the Astral Sea, sleeping in the great void of the Far Realm. Aberrations, horrors outside of reality, still cling to these Great Old Ones as if to bring about their return. The Gods teach their servants to focus upon the present and the future, and that there are things about the past that no mortal mind would be capable of understanding. To know that they watch over the universe, and through their work, reality is safe.
Metaphysical, Astral


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