Ginanda Ulfi


A Storm Giant Lord owns the land, and receives the taxation from the Stone Giant who handles the matters in town. It is too immense a task to manage the town on their own, so there are many Goliaths both Stone and Hill that assist with accomplishing the day to day bureaucracy of running the town. Stone Goliaths ensure that everything is in order, and Hill Goliaths ensure that the needs and desires of the Giants are followed through.


A wall surrounds the interior of the town, though it has never needed to be used, and has fallen into slight disrepair.

Industry & Trade

There is a large fishing industry here, in addition, it is the stopping point for some privateering ships, and the market here often holds oddities from all over the region, merchants buying and then reselling things that the Kingdom does not end up wanting to keep for itself.


A sewer runs below the city, two bridges are considered a part of the town as well, a pedestrian one called Shadow Bridge and a wagon bridge called the Night Bridge.


The Bait 'n Switch, a popular inn and tavern near the docks of Meat Harbor


The town is built at the mouth of the Mondra river, which enters into a fjord. The elevation increases drastically once you start heading out of the town, and it is nestled there at the feet of the hills that make up the fjord.
Characters in Location


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