
Mother of Stone Giants and patron of builders

Divine Domains

As a god of nature and unity, Girtr is highly regarded by the Stone Giants. They see her as a symbol of the natural world and its immense power, as well as an inspiration for unity and cooperation. To the Stone Giants, Girtr represents the interconnectedness of all things in the world, and the importance of working together to achieve common goals. They believe that she imbues them with strength and resilience, and that her blessings ensure their continued survival and prosperity. In short, Girtr embodies the values that the Stone Giants hold most dear, and is therefore a central figure in their religious and cultural practices.


The Giant's Causeway, said to be the greatest achievement of the stone giants, and dedicated to Girtr

Holy Books & Codes

  • The Book of the Stone: a sacred text that outlines the history and beliefs of the Stone Giant people, as well as providing guidance on how to live a life in accordance with Girtr's teachings.

  • The Codex of Unity: a collection of stories and parables that illustrate the importance of unity and cooperation in achieving great things. This codex is often used by Stone Giant priests and scholars to teach Girtr's teachings to others.

  • The Hymns of the Earth-Song: a collection of songs and prayers that are sung in honor of Girtr and her connection to the natural world. These hymns are said to hold some of the most potent elemental magic relating to the earth known to exist.
  • Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • The hammer and chisel: these tools are commonly associated with stonework and construction, and are therefore often used as symbols of Girtr's patronage of builders.

  • The mountain: the Stone Giants often see Girtr as a representation of the power and majesty of the natural world. As such, the image of a towering mountain is sometimes used as a symbol of her divine presence.

  • The handshake: as a goddess of unity and cooperation, Girtr is often associated with gestures of friendship and alliance. The image of two hands clasped together in a handshake is sometimes used to represent her role as a unifying force.
  • Tenets of Faith

    1. Respect and honor the natural world, as it embodies the essence of Girtr's divine power.
    2. Embrace the importance of unity and cooperation, and strive to work together with others to achieve common goals.
    3. Recognize the value of strength and resilience, and work to cultivate these qualities in yourself and others.
    4. Honor the legacy of the Stone Giants, and work to preserve their culture and traditions.
    5. Embrace the power of stonework and construction, and use these skills to create beautiful and enduring works of art.
    6. Seek out knowledge and understanding of the natural world, and share this knowledge with others.
    7. Embrace the power of music and song, and use these forms of expression to connect with the divine.
    8. Practice humility and respect in all your dealings with others, and seek to build bridges of understanding and cooperation.
    9. Recognize the importance of family and community, and work to create strong and supportive relationships with those around you.
    10. Above all, honor Girtr and her divine power, and seek to embody her teachings in all aspects of your life.


  • Festival of Unity: a multi-day celebration of cooperation and unity, featuring music, dance, and communal feasting.

  • Girtr's Blessing: a day of prayer and reflection, during which Stone Giants seek the blessings of Girtr for their construction projects and other endeavors.

  • Builders' Day: a day to honor the art and science of stonework and construction, and to celebrate the many achievements of the Stone Giants in these areas.

  • Mountain Feast: a day of feasting and merrymaking, held in honor of the majestic mountains that are often associated with Girtr's divine presence.

  • Relationships



    Towards Bynom



    Towards Girtr



    Towards Girtr



    Towards Agild



    Towards Girtr



    Towards Vorn

    Divine Classification
    Bynom (spouse)
    Agild (spouse)
    Vorn (spouse)
    Solid white
    None, bald
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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