
First of the frost giants, it is said he appeared when Agild and Vorn were lost in the wilderness and needed a guide. Bynom arrived and showed them the path.

Divine Domains

As a god of travel for giants, Bynom is responsible for guiding his fellow frost giants through the icy wilderness. He is said to have first appeared to Agild and Vorn when they were lost and in need of a guide, and he showed them the path they needed to take.
In addition to helping giants find their way, Bynom's domain of travel may also include other aspects of journeying, such as providing protection on dangerous expeditions or helping giants to traverse particularly treacherous terrain.
As a god, Bynom is likely held in high regard by his fellow giants, who rely on him for guidance and protection during their travels. His association with the rainbow-striped curved road may also suggest that he is revered as a bringer of good fortune and prosperity on journeys.

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of the Rainbow Road is an ancient and revered text that plays a central role in the worship of Bynom. Passed down through generations, this sacred book is a comprehensive guide to the rules and rituals associated with paying homage to the god of travel.
In addition to providing instructions for performing blessings, making offerings, and seeking divine guidance, the Book of the Rainbow Road is also filled with fascinating stories of Bynom's interactions with mortals and other gods. These stories serve as a source of inspiration and enlightenment for those who seek to deepen their understanding of the divine.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A curved road, stripped lengthwise and often painted in the colors of the rainbow.

Tenets of Faith

1. Embrace the journey: Followers of Bynom believe that the journey itself is just as important as the destination. They strive to find joy and meaning in the challenges and experiences they encounter along the way.
2. Trust in Bynom's guidance: Bynom is a god of travel and navigation, and his followers trust in his wisdom and guidance. They believe that by following the path he lays out for them, they will reach their destination safely and with good fortune.
3. Help fellow travelers: Bynom's followers believe in the power of community and strive to help their fellow travelers whenever possible. They offer aid and support to those in need, knowing that by doing so, they strengthen the bonds of friendship and trust.
4. Honor the past: Bynom's followers respect the traditions and wisdom of their ancestors, recognizing that they are part of a long line of travelers who have come before them. They seek to honor their legacy and carry their teachings forward into the future.
5. Be prepared: Bynom's followers recognize the importance of preparation and planning. They understand that travel can be unpredictable and sometimes dangerous, and they take steps to ensure their safety and well-being.




Towards Bynom



Towards Girtr



Towards Bynom



Towards Mangr



Towards Bynom



Towards Agild

Divine Classification
Girtr (spouse)
Mangr (spouse)
Agild (spouse)
Frost blue and misty
Snow white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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