

Surrounding this now sacred hill are more hills, its terrain heath. From the top of the hill a pilgrim can see small copse of trees tucked in between the hills. Being close to the southeastern coast of Jhordheim, the wind is often strong and chilling.


On this hill is the scriptorium in which Galgeo spent most of her days, and while it still continues to function in that capacity even after her death, the site is now a pilgrimage for members of the Cloud Caste, especially those who pursue more academic professions and lifestyles.


Mainly used for pilgrimages, the scribes within the modern walls will not accept visitors who are not on the pilgrimage. There is still a statue of Galgeo outside the walls, for any traveler simply seeking a blessing or to witness her.
Alternative Name(s)
Hill of Galgeo
Mountain / Hill
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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