Scriptorium at Hjavancar

Purpose / Function

The scriptorium is in place for the purposes of record keeping, maintaining the reliquary of Galgeo, and creating pieces of illuminated writing for Jhordheim.


The location is semi-fortified in that a wall exists around the scriptorium. It is not defended by a garrison, but the walls do keep wildlife and most monsters at bay. This wall has been replaced several times over the years, and some building have needed to be expanded or rebuilt due to age.


Much like the hill it sits upon, the scriptorium is well known for a scribe that once lived there named Galgeo, who is now venerated for her works of calligraphy and script.


If one is a pilgrim seeking Galgeo's works and blessing, the scribes who maintain the building now accept you with open arms.
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Owning Organization
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