Nomull Shikem (/ˈnɔmull ˈʃikɛm/)


The Nomull Shikem is a vast and diverse wild land with a rich and varied geography. It is characterized by its ever-changing sky, which shifts between deep indigo and brilliant cerulean, reflecting the mood of Oherin, god of nature, who calls this plane home. The Nomull Shikem experiences all the seasons and weather patterns of the Prime Material. However, the weather in the Nomull Shikem is regionally distributed, creating a diverse range of conditions for different habitats.

A significant feature of the Nomull Shikem is the river system. The river Oceanus and the river Styx flow through the land, meandering through swampy sections with tangled channels, endless marshes, and rocky ridges that provide stability. In this desolate landscape, shrouded in an eerie luminous mist, lies the legendary Juweniw, the Archtree. Juweniw is believed to be the World Tree, connecting all planes of existence. The river Oceanus and the river Styx converge within the Order Sphere to form the river Kimopi, which continues to other planes and eventually forms the canals of the Eternal City.

The banks of the river Oceanus are bustling with activity and adorned with lush forests and flowering trees. These forests are home to colossal trees that create a dense canopy, casting an ethereal and mysterious atmosphere. As one moves away from the river, the landscape transitions into fertile grasslands, hills, and towering mountains that reach beyond the clouds. The river Oceanus carves canyons and gorges through the valleys, flowing in rapids and cascades of extraordinary height. Navigating this treacherous river requires skilled navigators.

On the other hand, the portion of the Nomull Shikem near the river Styx is characterized by badlands, deserts, and other desolate regions. Between the river Styx and the river Kimopi lies a breathtaking landscape of vast savannahs with scattered groves of trees.

Fauna & Flora

Within the Nomull Shikem, a diverse and vibrant wildlife thrives. The realm is home to various beings with varying degrees of intelligence and capabilities. The native inhabitants of the Nomull Shikem possess the ability to speak and are comparable to humans in terms of intelligence. The wildlife in the Nomull Shikem includes mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects, and invertebrates.

The celestial population of the Nomull Shikem is primarily composed of guardinals, celestial anthropomorphic animals who watch over the plane. Other celestial creatures, such as pegasi, couatls, kirin, and unicorns, also call the Nomull Shikem their home. The Animal Lords, empowered by Oherin, serve as the commanders of the guardinals and possess divine power that allows them to reach even the creatures of the Prime Material Plane. They are entrusted with the task of watching over the world's animals.

In addition to the native inhabitants and celestial creatures, the Nomull Shikem is also believed to be the home of Juweniw, the Archtree. Juweniw, also known as the World Tree and Tree of Life, is a legendary entity that is said to connect to all planes of existence.

The Nomull Shikem is a haven for divine creatures and a realm where nature thrives in all its glory.

Alternative Name(s)
Wild Land
Dimensional plane
Included Locations
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