
Basic Information


The shadar-kai possess a unique anatomical structure and physical appearance that vividly mirrors the immense sorcery of the Umbral Realm. As they traverse the Umbral Realm, their corporeal forms and countenances bear the unmistakable marks of this metamorphosis, exhibiting signs of age, wrinkles, and desolation. Nevertheless, when the shadar-kai are dispatched from the Umbral Realm to execute the commands of the Raven Queen, they adopt a youthful visage akin to their elven counterparts. Yet, their complexion remains pallid, conferring upon them an ethereal semblance of death. This profound alteration allows them to seamlessly blend into the midst of the denizens of the Prime Material Plane whilst dutifully fulfilling their designated missions.


The behavior and psychology of the shadar-kai are deeply intertwined with their connection to darkness, death, and the enigmatic nature of the Umbral Realm. These aspects shape their worldview and influence their actions. The shadar-kai fully embrace sorrow and desolation as integral parts of their existence. By immersing themselves in these emotions, they believe they can unearth profound insights about themselves and the world around them. This acceptance of sorrow gives them a unique perspective and a remarkable sense of resilience in the face of adversity. Tragedy holds immense significance for the shadar-kai, as they firmly believe that every tragic event harbors hidden meanings or valuable lessons. They actively seek out these tragedies, both monumental and minor, in their quest to unravel the intricate connections between life, death, and the ever-present shadow.
In their unwavering loyalty to the Raven Queen, the shadar-kai view themselves as her devoted servants, faithfully executing her will in the Umbral Realm and beyond. This profound devotion compels them to gather the tragedies and memories that sustain her in the Fortress of Memories, an endeavor they take immense pride in. As guardians and agents of the Raven Queen's enigmatic realm, their role is shrouded in mystery. They are known for their enigmatic nature, often concealing their true thoughts and emotions, only revealing what is necessary. This air of mystery adds to their allure and allows them to maintain an aura of unpredictability. Skillful in the art of manipulating shadows, they adeptly conceal their intentions and employ them to their advantage, further enhancing their mystique.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

To conceal their aged visages in the Umbral Realm, many shadar-kai wear masks made of metal or wood, although even these coverings carry a melancholic aura. These masks serve a dual purpose for the shadar-kai. Firstly, they provide a means to hide their true faces, which bear the marks of their time spent in the Umbral Realm. The masks allow them to maintain a sense of anonymity and secrecy, adding to their enigmatic allure.
Secondly, the masks serve as a symbol of their connection to the Umbral Realm and their allegiance to the Raven Queen. Crafted with care, the masks often feature intricate designs and symbols that represent the shadar-kai's relationship with darkness and death. They may be adorned with etchings of ravens, thorny vines, or other motifs associated with the Raven Queen. These masks not only serve as a physical barrier but also carry a profound spiritual significance for the shadar-kai.
The materials used for the masks vary among the shadar-kai. Some prefer masks made of metal, such as silver, iron, or darkened steel, which give them a stoic and imposing appearance. Others opt for masks crafted from wood, choosing materials like ebony, dark oak, or mahogany, which add an organic and earthy element to their attire. Regardless of the material, the masks contribute to the overall aesthetic of the shadar-kai, emphasizing their connection to the Umbral Realm and the mysterious nature of their existence.
The dress of the shadar-kai reflects their connection to darkness and death, as well as their enigmatic nature. When in the Umbral Realm, they often wear garments that exude an aura of desolation and decay. Their attire is typically dark in color, ranging from deep purples and blues to black and charcoal gray. The fabrics they choose are often lightweight and flowy, allowing for ease of movement as they navigate the shadowy realms.
Shadar-kai garments often feature intricate details and patterns that symbolize their allegiance to the Raven Queen and their affinity for darkness. These details can include motifs such as feathers, ravens, thorns, or other symbols associated with death and the Umbral Realm. The attire is typically adorned with subtle shimmering accents or metallic embellishments, adding a touch of otherworldly elegance.
To further enhance their mysterious appearance, shadar-kai may wear accessories such as ornate necklaces, bracelets, or rings that are crafted from dark metals or gemstones. These accessories often bear symbols or sigils associated with the Raven Queen or represent aspects of the Umbral Realm.
When the shadar-kai are sent to fulfill the commands of the Raven Queen in other planes, they may adopt a more inconspicuous appearance, blending in with the locals. In such cases, they may choose attire that aligns with the fashion of the specific plane they are visiting, while still incorporating elements of their own dark style.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The shadar-kai possess a rich and intriguing culture that reflects their deep connection to darkness and the Umbral Realm. Rooted in their service to the Raven Queen, their culture revolves around themes of death, sorrow, and the pursuit of understanding the mysteries of existence. They work collaboratively on various tasks, such as maintaining their communities, conducting rituals, and serving the Raven Queen. Bonds of loyalty and trust are highly valued among the shadar-kai. The shadar-kai have a deep affinity for shadow magic, which permeates their culture and rituals. They harness the power of shadows to enhance their abilities, communicate with the Raven Queen, and perform sacred rites. Shadowy rituals are conducted during significant events, such as births and communal gatherings. These ceremonies involve the manipulation of shadows, the recitation of ancient incantations, and the offering of symbolic items associated with the Umbral Realm.
Genetic Descendants
Geographic Distribution


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