Speaker for the Dead


Only a Storm Giant can be the Speaker for the Dead, though they do not have to truly speak to the dead.


It is blessed upon a favored of the previous holder, in a ceremony strictly for Giants. Even Goliaths cannot enter the Cairn of the All-Father when it is being conducted. If something supernatural happens during the ceremony, no Giant has ever revealed it.


The purpose behind the title of "Speaker for the Dead" is to speak of the life of the Giants who have come before. Those that have passed on live through the Speaker, the good and the bad.


Should a pilgrimage be made to the Cairn, provided the Speaker is not occupied, it is expected that they greet visitors, and share a story of a Giant who is interred at the Cairn.   They are sworn to watch over the Cairn, and the Isle of the Dead, to ensure it is never desecrated or encroached upon by those who hold no reverence for the dead.

Cultural Significance

The Speaker is considered sacred by Yotunn Giants. Their purpose in extending the stories of those who have gone before is vital in ensuring that the Kingdom of Jhordheim does not end up like all other Giants did even before the Aether.
Religious, Special
Source of Authority
The All-Father
Length of Term
Life, or until passed to another voluntarily.
Current Holders
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