Toäemerg Älm (/ˌtɔɛˈeːmeːrj ɛlm/ Giant)


The wetland covers the majority of the island save for its center, where a large rock formation makes for a large portion of the year-round solid ground. Otherwise, traversing the island is done via the waterways the Stone Caste carved through to the Cairn of the All-Father  at the center of the island. At all times the sky is clouded, peels of thunder and flashes of lightning are commonplace, both day and night. The Storm and Cloud Caste maintain a priesthood here, maintaining the barrows of the various families that have been artificially lifted above the water level and stabilized by the Stone Caste as a part of the waterways. The closer one gets to the Cairn, the harder the rain falls, becoming torrential near the top.

Fauna & Flora

Amphibious creatures are common, and the bugs are a nuisance. Peat can be found here and is used as the fuel for fires. Herron and other wetland birds are also common. These are the innocuous wildlife, joining them are venomous snakes and other predatory creatures, providing for a diverse biome across the island. Grasses and sparse trees are also present, at the sides of the carved waterways.
Alternative Name(s)
Isle of the Dead
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
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