Cairn of the All-Father

Purpose / Function

The dead of the castes of Jhordheim are brought here if they are able. The Speaker orates the good and ill that the dead participated in during life, as means of reflection. This ceremony is done at the top of the Cairn, beneath the unwavering gaze of a statue to Agild, the mother of Valkyries.


Carved into the stone is a stairway, wide enough to fit a procession of giants standing side by side, winding around the Cairn to the top, where waits the Speaker and Agild, at the eye of the storm that surrounds the Cairn. For those who are not of giant stature there is a second set of stairs carved to the side of the first set. Each time there is a gap between the seemingly separate pieces to the Cairn are carved bridges, almost seamless between the two. Nearly 2,600 steps for the average humanoid make the full trip the height of the Cairn.
Alternative Names
Rocks of the Dead
Barrow / Burial ground
Parent Location
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Ruling/Owning Rank
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Characters in Location


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