
Mental characteristics

Personal history

Very little is known about where Togimo originated or where he came from. Most stories attest he was travelling in a merchant caravan when, Bem Xanem (Pharaldin), came to him in the form of an old man and began to enlighten him to the truth about the Old Kingdom. How deep the corruption was, the machinations of the devils of Bem Kābeem (Netyx), and the disguised cruelty of the Queen of Serpents. It was then he started on the path that overthrew the Old Kingdom and the Queen of Serpents, casting out the devils in the shadows and forging a new destiny for Kahosh and its peoples. He was posthumously gifted the title Hokok Yipeemu, which in Common means "First Teacher". He is revered as a martyr, having sacrificed his own life sealing away the final devils from Kahosh.


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