Yipeem (/jiːˈpeem/)

Yipeemu /jiːˈpeemuː/ n. Teacher (singular)
Yipeem /jiːˈpeem/ n. Teachers (plural)


A Yipeem is expected to be well educated in law and doctrine. The cultural conciousness is always on the watch for ambition or potential tyranny, so a Yipeem must also be wise and humble.


The local community chooses their Yipeem and appoint them after the death or dismissal of the last one.


It is the moral obligation of the Yipeem to fill the role of high priest to their people as well as executive of law and judgement.


Day to day the Yipeem is hearing cases among their people, teaching the ways of Kahosh, and telling the stories of the Kohoshi peoples past.
Religious, Political
Equates to
Chief, High Priest
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Life or dismissal
Related Organizations


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