Tsetsushtiomth Yokheb

Public Agenda

This "army" is made up of disgruntled, disgraced, forgotten, and militant dissenters of the Empire. They are not a very public presence, though their actions tend to make local news on occasion. In those moments, their idealism to break apart the Empire and shatter the chains of the elves is made quite public, but the Justicars tend to make quick work of putting out any fires.


The assets that this group had tends to be driven from what they can make themselves or steal from the Empire. It is made up of hobgoblins, orcs, centaurs, humans, and lately even some kenku. It is a diverse amalgamation of troublemakers and occasionally violent extremism.
Illicit, Rebel
Alternative Names
The 13th Legion, Forgotten Army
Leader Title
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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