Kawe Arbak

kawe /kaˈwe/ n. castle, in the Goblin tongue.

Purpose / Function

One of the Imperial outposts built when Umenor began expanding West into the Wilds.


Built primarily of wood, the ruined castle has been rebuilt by the "Tsetsushtiomth Yokheb" Forgotten Army to serve as a base of operation due to its remote location. Because of this, its new architecture is in the form of the Bujushteo, and is therefore designed to be a fortress, more survivable than it was even when it was originally built.


Ruined in the War of the Wilds, this frontier outpost was originally designed to support settlers in the Wilds, and protect Imperial interests there. Scorland raiders managed to burn it to the ground and slaughter its garrison during the conflict before reinforcements could be sent. These days, the rebels of the "Tsetsushtiomth Yokheb" Forgotten Army have rebuilt it quietly over time to serve as a headquarters and final stand should Umenor choose to violently crack down on them.
Alternative Names
Tehim Kaverion - Elven name before ruined in the War of the Wilds
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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