Wychu Paniaufew


The Forefather Mountains stretch nearly 2,000 miles, 1,987 to be exact. It demarks the northerly borders of Umenor and the southern boundaries of Scorland in it consists the great volcano Mt. Gaulmar as well as the rumored Sanctum of the Unknown hidden somewhere within one of the passes. While the highest point is Mt. Gaulmar (even after losing over 1,300 ft. in its recent eruption due to landslides and pyroclastic flow) it stands at an approximate 13,700 ft. Much of the range stays above the snow line, and can be seen for miles in almost every direction. The source of the Valaga River stems from this mountain range, an underground spring that empties into a basin and forges its way west. It stands as a mighty barrier and harsh terrain, limiting movement for anyone not accustomed to the bitterly cold environment.

Fauna & Flora

Some have claimed to of encountered dragons, and the Knights of the Wyvern have their aeries in the mountains where they raise their wyverns. Yeti and trolls have also been encountered, being among those adapted to the cold climes. Of the more mundane fauna can be found mountain goats, mammoths, yak, crag cats, sabretooth tigers, snow leopards, wolverines, bears, rabbits, snowy owls, and more.    Flora includes much the same as all around the region, spruce, cottonwood, aspen, birch, alder and poplar just to name some of the trees. Flowers include violets, goldenrod, forget-me-nots, even daisies, and many more. It is a diverse mountain range being as long as it is, and it is evidenced by its natural beauty.

Natural Resources

Metals, both precious and otherwise, are found in these mountains. Another contentious part of attempting to control them, all powers seeking to acquire the rich veins that flow deep into the earth.


The history of the Wychu Paniaufew is one of bitterness and violence. From stories of dragons, to histories of conflicts with the mountain bands that make it home. Wars between Scorland and Umenor, and even holy callings to its varied and dangerous peaks, it is called the Forefather Mountains because many stories of the original peoples of the region stem from various parts of the mountain range. Many of the Scorland clans claim to have come from peoples driven from the mountains by dragons, trolls, orcs, and even yeti. There is even a tale of a rare type of elf that originally came to Caanae through a portal in these mountains. Such tales make these mountains near sacred to the people that live around them, and conflicts regarding ownership are bloody.   It would be unfair to not also mention that there remain many dwarfholds in these mountains as well, some sealed to the outside and others abandoned and forgotten altogether. Dwarves of these mountains rarely speak of what drove them out of their homes and those that do speak of monsters too terrible to imagine.
Alternative Name(s)
Forefather Mountains
Mountain Range
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Contested By


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