Wyglagas Glun (/ˈwəglaːgas ɡɫʊnʲ/ Elvish & Sylvan)


The Wyglagas Glun, also known as the Blessed Sea, is a vast body of water with an estimated area of approximately 2,050,856 square miles. This vast expanse of water is an integral part of the region's geography and ecosystem. It is framed on three sides by the expansive and diverse continent of Menia, forming an impressive coastline that varies from sandy beaches to rocky cliffs. To the west, the Blessed Sea seamlessly merges with another significant body of water, known as A Sjansk Årluk or The Great Expanse. This confluence provides a unique blend of marine biodiversity and offers a variety of maritime routes for exploration and trade.

Alternative Name(s)
Blessed Sea
Location under
Included Locations


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