By Ceng Cand (/bɨ kɛŋ kand/ Elvish)


The By Ceng Cand, also known as the Bay of New Birth, is a vast body of water that covers an expansive area of approximately 192,664 square miles. This is a size that rivals many countries in terms of sheer land area. The bay, with its enormous breadth, opens up at a mouth that is 163 miles wide. This is the point at which it gracefully merges with the Wyglagas Glun. The Wyglagas Glun, translated to mean the Blessed Sea, is a larger body of water that accepts the waters of the Bay of New Birth. The bay doesn't maintain a consistent width across its entire span. In fact, its widest point measures an impressive 333 miles across, highlighting the bay's significant contribution to the overall geography of the region.

Alternative Name(s)
Bay of New Birth
Location under
Owning Organization


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