Elven Empire Organization in Cabochon | World Anvil
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Elven Empire

The longest running empire known, the Elven Empire once encompassed nearly all of Oren and Ochita. Now, its remnants seize only few squabbling settlements in Ochita and the Greylands. Imperial reign lasted more than several lifetimes for most of the folk of Cabochon leaving their assumed dominance virtually unquestioned by those short lived. Gnomes, Dwarves, and Sea Elves became notorious banes to imperial control, triggering anarchy in large swaths of the East. Despite these insurrections, imperial rule stood nearly a millennia until their zenith finally passed.
Most notable to blame for the imperial dissolution was a sudden realized of infertility among the pureblood ruling class. Elves, notoriously virile and promiscuous, grew cautious to conceive children fearing the overpopulation once seen in their early empire. Despite desperate attempts at insemination, elves woefully realized their crisis of sterility. Most purebloods had become older magnifying their impending extinction. Many sought demonic patrons to elongate their lives or regain their ability to procreate. Others became tyrannical, instead seizing absolute power as their legacy. Regardless of case, the Elven Empire's past influence on Cabochon paints nearly all faculties of life dsepite their near century of decline.


While not formally established until slightly over a millennia ago, the Elven Empire solidified after conflicts around the Argent Pass with the other races of Ochita. After the final battle of Argent Pass, the newly formed Elven Empire established embassies in the major cities in the continent. Elven Empire deftly seized full control of Ochita up to the halfling run Northern Wylds in less than a century after.
Spurred on by the growing Dragonborn navy, imperial emissaries struck a deal with the dragonborn and halflings to seize control of Median Island and Beryl Island from the Berylfolk. The conflict resolution led to the permanent establishment of the imperial navy to tax the new dragonborn trade route along Ochita's coast.
Spurred on by rampant overpopulation within the Greylands, the imperial navy sent military envoys to the Marbled Sea to stake claim to new land before the Dragonborn could. Occupation of gnomish Gyre and Heaven's Landing spurred direct wars and proxy conflicts until the dissolution of the empire.


Before the empire truly started to falter, imperial rule stretched over most of Ochita (leaving the Northern Wylds to the halfings) and Oren up to Du'chan. Its dissolution wasn't immediate. Colonies reformed into many confederations of nation-states before elves lost complete control of their empire. Remnants that still consider themselves 'imperial' have retreated back into the Greylands in hopes to heal their dying people.

Roots far, Roots eternal

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Grey elves
Government System
Economic System
Mixed economy
Goldleaf or leaves
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Manufactured Items
Notable Members
Related Myths

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  • Birth of an Empire
    Truvair the Grand

    The first of the Elven Empire. Truvair helped established the elves as dominant by annexing the Greylands and carving the Argent Pass. Often considered the best ruler of the Empire, he set a custom that former rulers sit on a council known as the Cambium that advise the new ruler. It was once illegal to name children 'Truvair' as it might diminish the legacy of this great king.

  • Out of the Greylands
    Era beginning/end

    Second known imperial ruler, Partia's rule was somewhat unpopular as Truvair set a high standard. This was compounded by resistance by the races north of the Argent Pass from eventual elven occupation. Partia shared her rule with her general and first husband Tenso. They are the only two imperials to have equal, consensual rulership both conceding to the Cambium after securing the Pass and constructing Fort Mephistal to maintain their position

  • Opening of the East (Union of Three)
    Trobarclus (Trobarcl the Uniter)

    One of the last rulers of the first stanza of the Elven Empire, Trobarclus's greatest contribution to imperial history is the alliance of Halfling, Human, and Dragonborn to destroy the Berylfolk armadas, retake the Catseye, Median and Beryl Island. Trobarclus suffered internal pushback from the Cambium during the conflict, fearing the conflict would seed animosity in the East and create a dooming rivalry with the Dragonborn.

  • The Slow Fall of the Elves

    One of the last rulers in the third stanza, Otway was a renowned general and accomplished tactician. After climbing to rule, his rule is most well known for refusing to end. Instead, Otway insisted that his new city/state (named after himself) is separating from the empire. The ruler-elect, instead of going to war, named Otway viceroy of Oren and ignored Otway's insistence of sovereignty. Many consider this the first signal of the Fall of the Elven Empire.

  • Into the West
    Paignh the Weeping

    The last known official ruler of the Elven Empire, Paingh notoriously dissolved imperial rule in Oren to refocus on his people. While considered a great person, he is not well remembered for ruling as he is for comforting the sorrowful, often openly weeping in public. It is thought that he conceded his rule after the Panic in Kailia, but it is uncertain if the Cambium ever elected another ruler or if they too dissolved.


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