Geopolitical Landscape in Cael | World Anvil
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Geopolitical Landscape

This is a reference article to connect maps and political relations.

World Map. The map for the main continent and surrounding areas, in the world of Cael. The upper-right has a button to show a layer with borders. Colours used are not meant to imply alignments or ideologies, but just to help visualize with contrast.
World Map: Cael

Geopolitical Relations. A map of the general political/economic relations between political powers.
  • Solid lines: Bound Relations (Permanent alliances, ownership)
  • Dashes: Interactive Relations
  • Gray: Neutral | Infrequent
  • Yellow: Wary, low tension
  • Orange: High Tension
  • Red: Conflict

  • World Map: Cael, Political-Economic Relations


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