Kingdom of Utharia


  • Royal Court: The ruling body consisting of the monarch, advisors, and nobles.
  • Noble Houses: Powerful families with hereditary titles and land holdings.
  • Military Council: Oversees the kingdom's defense and strategic decisions.
  • Civil Administration: Manages governance, infrastructure, and public services.
  • Religious Institutions: Preserves and promotes the kingdom's spiritual traditions.


Utharia is a kingdom steeped in tradition, honor, and martial prowess. Military valor and loyalty to the crown are highly esteemed virtues. The culture is characterized by elaborate ceremonies, chivalric codes, and a deep reverence for @infi. Art, music, and literature often reflect themes of heroism, duty, and sacrifice.


Utharia traces its origins back to a legendary warrior-woman who forged the kingdom through conquest and diplomacy. Over the centuries, Utharia expanded its borders through military campaigns and strategic alliances, becoming a dominant power in the region. Despite periods of internal strife and external threats, the kingdom has endured, guided by its unwavering commitment to unity, strength, and honor.

In Her Light, We Find Strength

Founding Date
24 Aurora 24 AE
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Professions
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
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Cover image: by Lady Wynter
Character flag image: by Azgaar


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