Vayu Sachana


This is the largest of the continents. Here, in the Methaca Empire, is the second largest mountain, The Whispering Spine. There's also some tundra covering the northern parts of the Methaca Empire and the Erbeilian Empire.   More grassland covers the majority of this continent with the small southern tip that the Kingdom of Vepar being rainforest.   There is a decent sized forest in southern Methaca Empire close to the border of the Tribes of Alet. Nothing is known about this forest.

Localized Phenomena

Weather inside and around the unknown forest in the Methaca Empire is strange. Strange enough to keep people away. These include lightning strikes out of the blue, high winds, hail and freak snow storms.


Cold in the tundra, hot in the rainforest. Grasslands are stable.


Methaca Empire played a huge part in the first 2 world wars, along with the Erbeilian Empire. While the Erbeilian Empire played a big part in starting the third world war.   They all worked together on the Ripper Star.


Main people come to see and explore The Whispering Spine. Brave adventurers try to get into the forest in the Methaca Empire with no known success as of yet.  
I don't see the appeal of climbing a mountain. But then I've never been one to spend much time outdoors. I mean, I did a few sports when I was in school and occasionally with my mates from time to time. Still, I can't remember they asked me join. I can't say that I'm insulted. I prefer my books and being in libraries.
That forest... I'd love to know why the weather acts the way it does in this area. What history and secrets does this forest cling to? What can it tell us of the past? What of the present? Could it tell us anything about our future?

Articles under Vayu Sachana

Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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