Moonmore Building / Landmark in Caelum Prime | World Anvil


Purpose / Function

This vast city sits against (and on) the mountain. It has three ringed levels under a rounded mountain shelf topped with a citadel. It guards (in a way) the Shadow Star Mines.   It was once a place of importance on Nisa, one of the few hubs for this once thriving civilization. It houses the administration buildings of the Kiwta as well as homes, shops, pubs, inns, small metal and gem workshops (these supplament what Shadow Star Mines does and are only used by the Kiwta who have an affinity).


This city grew around the Shadow Star Mines, expanding into a thriving community that drew even more Kiwta to it. While the were other hubs across Nisa, this city became the capital.


Buildings are made of stone, gotten from the mountain itself without damaging it. There are six watchtowers, two on each level. Every building has intricate carvings on it. The carvings tell the history of the stone or of the building, depending on what Kiwta magick users see/hear from the stone.


The watchtowers are a form of defense. One that has been one hundred percent necessary since the early days of the races, when they warred with each other. But the towers are still manned and maintained.


This city was the capital of Nisa because of the importance of the Shadow Star Mines as the largest and most prosperous mine across the planet. And with the mine being of special value to the Ta, it took on extra value to the Kiwta and the Pecou.


While there were inns and taverns in use when the city was thriving, now the only people visiting are Humans from Caelum Prime who are studying the ruins.
First Sun of the Third Era
Founding Date
Second Sun of the First Era
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Articles under Moonmore

Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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