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Our Almighty Lord Ameuses



Where the then-nameless god came from is unknown. However, His followers believe that sometime after the universe was formed, a cluster of space dust swirled around in a circle, moving closer and faster each second until they collided. From the resulting explosion, a tall being with glowing white eyes and a blank expression emerged. At some point, He chose the name "Ameuses".

His Future Wife

Bored, Ameuses wandered through the universe, admiring the celestial bodies and galaxies when He came across an odd sight: another being, this one appeared to be a female, floating among some stars, unconscious. Concerned, Ameuses approached the figure and shook her. The being did not stir. He then picked her up and carried her away. But as He did, she opened her eyes and stared at him, confused. Ameuses was surprised and asked her why she was unconscious, to which she responded that she had no memory of what had happened prior. Ameuses offered to look after her and she agreed.

For the next few million years, Ameuses and the female being, who He named Junii, stayed together, looked after each other and idly watched old celestial bodies explode and new ones form. One day, they were watching a supernova occur when Junii snuggled up to Ameuses and said:
I want us to be together forever. I want you to be my husband.
Ameuses was taken aback by her proposal but accepted it, giving Junii a small star to signify their union.

Meeting Zutnebas

I'll gladly tell you! However, it's quite a long story and I don't want to bore you; I already bore my wife with my lengthy stories!

Competition of Creation

The creation of Inferncenem and Caelumen began as a friendly competition between Ameuses and Zutnebas to see who could create a better world for intelligent creatures and their wives would be the judges. They were given just seven days to create a world.

Ameuses made Caelumen in just five days, using clouds, soft linen, precious metals like gold, silver and bronze and gems like rubies, sapphires, emeralds and opals to craft the land and creatures.

In the end, after their wives looked around each new realm, they declared Ameuses the winner which He celebrated with a large buffet.

At some point, He got bored with the angels' identical appearance, so He randomly chose a handful of angels and fused their souls with specific precious stones. Thus, the angel races were formed.

The Falling Out

Only He and Ameuses knew what truly happened during the horrific event and, to be put mildly, Zutnebas was very displeased. Using His long claw, he cut His finger, held it above Infercenem, and simply told the angelic god to tell His creations to leave immediately. Before Ameuses could ask what He meant, a drop of the demonic god's blood fell on the ground below and spread across the realm at an alarming rate. To His horror, every angel touching the ground was instantly burned alive and turned to ash. After watching the rest of the angels fly back to Caelumen, Zutnebas quietly returned to His void and didn't speak to Ameuses from then on, much to the angelic god's bewilderment.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Ameuses' main goal is to make His realm prosperous and flourishing. Though His followers believe that He will one day destroy Inferncenem and Asonefrub Zutnebas, that isn't the case as the angelic god likes Zutnebas and thinks His realm is rather neat.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ameuses is a tall but plump being with light yellow skin that shines like gold, short white cloud-like hair and a long beard that reaches His big belly. When He wants to show Himself to His creations, He takes the form of a small child with bright blonde hair and big blue eyes. He can't show His true self as any mortal angel that rests their eyes on Him instantly melts into molten gold.

Facial Features

His chubby, round face is decorated with bright emerald-green eyes (one of which is missing and covered by a small eye patch), a big nose and an always-present joyful but gentle smile.


Contacts & Relations


Their relationship was platonic at first, but they eventually grew to love each other very much. They have been together for billions of years. One thing the angelic god loves more than watching over His creations is His wife's delicious meals. He always asks her to cook Him her special meals four times a day, five days a week, and desert on weekends, resulting in His chubby figure.
Ameuses finished off the last of the fifteen dishes and gave a loud, satisfied belch. Amused, Junii remarked, "At the rate you're going, you'd grow to the size of Earth's moon give or take a few centuries!"

Ameuses went over to His wife and kissed her. "I'd be just fine with that, as long as I get to keep enjoying your scrumptious cooking!"


The two gods were initially close friends and often drank together, told stories, merrily watched their creation interact with each other and gossiped about their wives. This closeness lasted until The Falling Out. Since then, Zutnebas refuses to interact with Him despite the angelic god's attempts at reconciliation.
Please, do not ask me about that annoyance. ..... WELL JUST GO TO HIM!! HE'LL GLADLY BORE YOU WITH HIS STORY!

His Creations

Ameuses loves His creations as though their His children and greatly enjoys watching them go about their daily lives.

Related Articles

Creation of Caelumen 
Divine Classification
Angelic God
Lawful Jovial
Current Status
Chilling in the void above Caelumen and watching over the angels and humans
Honorary & Occupational Titles
He has been given lots of titles by His devoted followers, including:
  • The Great and Generous One
  • Our Beloved Giver and Maker
  • The Bold and Mighty Ameuses
and many, many more.
Several billion years
Bright emerald eyes
Short, poofy cloud-like hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light yellow and shiny like gold
Not fixed; can alter it
Copper-Badge [img:5650241] by Blue Fairy 74


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